Contrast Enhanced Mammography: Installation Day

PRR Partners with Providence Everett!

We are thrilled to announce that on June 25, 2024, Providence’s Comprehensive Breast Center launches a lifesaving program: Contrast Enhanced Mammography (CEM). This significant advancement in imaging services is made possible largely due to the rowers and fundraising efforts from the first PinkRibbonRow in 2023.

In line with our commitment to keep local funds LOCAL, the PinkRibbonRow Committee allocated $42,500 towards this groundbreaking program as part of our mission to Leaving Breast Cancer in our Wake! We are incredibly excited to be part of this initiative, which offers enhanced screening for women with dense breast tissue, who have standard mammograms and specific genetic markers to qualify for this enhanced screening using Artificial Intelligence to re-scan their films, and detecting those tiny specs that can be life-altering.

CEM is cost-effective, offers increased specificity, and provides high-risk patients with a reliable and accessible imaging solution. The lives this program will save are countless.

Thank you to our rowers, sponsors, and fundraisers – your contributions ARE making a difference!

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